

Founder and Director of entertainment production name - Avinash aroura

Founder and Director of entertainment production name - Avinash aroura

Mr & Miss Mithilanchal 2023 season - 01 We express our gratitude to the Director of Entertainment production - Avinash Aroura, who has given such a big platform to Mithilanchal. Keep supporting us and keep taking your Mithilanchal forward in the world of fashion. Many congratulations and thanks. keep moving ahead and make our Mithila region proud. People of Mithila region, keep supporting the daughter and son of Mithila. Thank you entertainment production Director - Avinash Aroura CEO - Vishal Sarraf Jury Member - Kashish Mandal. Special Support - Jassica Sona

In today's changing world, in this era of fashion, we have had to change the way we live in the fashion world. Fashion revolution has created a new form of our life. Nowadays, fashion has become people's life and people have become crazy about fashion. Fashion has become the most important thing and people are promoting fashion more for looks.

Fashion is a means of acceptance and expression in our strategic and personal form. It is a journey that can be experienced by every individual or community and provides an opportunity to everyone to enhance their personality. Fashion has played an important role in making fashion our favorite. It makes us feel beautiful and confident in an instant and is leading us towards showing off.

The literal meaning of the word fashion is "turn" or "trend". Fashion has emerged for us as a symbol of social, cultural and economic diversity, which represents our culture and social identity. Fashion, despite its original symbolic value, is related to the changing times, and is always changing. It is a reflection of a person's outlook, interests and attitudes.

In today's times, fashion has great importance. We can take many tools in the world of fashion like glasses, metro malls and increasing use of multiplexes which create desire for fashion among the youth. The world of fashion is considered colorful and changes are taking place from time to time. The style of clothing which is popular today will not be popular after many years.

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