Food nourishes & kills- eat right- Stay desi
Brands are becoming increasingly aware of their impact on people's health today, and there is also a radical shift in the number of people who are vocalising such brands and giving them their due share of the limelight when there is such a plethora of products vying for the same reach but with little to offer the consumer. From freebies to deep discounts, huge corporations appear to have lost their game when it comes to attracting customer attention. Businesses with a vast reach are also compelled to adopt aligned actions in order to compete with locally created brands. Great ideas can happen in your garage, as Steve Jobs stated just before taking over industrial behemoths IBM and Microsoft. We must introduce you to one such company that began in the backyard of a home inspired by the age-old principle of sun-drying and has grown in popularity amongst mindful customers despite Bangalore's silicon buzz. Meet Chandana Tribhuvan interior designer turned food-techie, the founder of the "STAY DESI" brand.
The phrase "stay desi" instantly drew our notice. We couldn't help but inquire about the brand, which resulted in an eye-opening discussion on where we are heading with our dietary habits. We talked for couple of hours with Chandana, and here's what she had to say.
To begin anything today, with all of this digital overrun, we were unsure if we would be able to stay desi with our already successful design jobs, but to sit back and see things being done incorrectly was as distressing. Why not act when you have the knowledge and capacity to alter things? Ideas have the ability to transform thought processes and bring about changes in unfathomable ways. We frequently found ourselves feeling tired after meals or after only half a day of work. I also had an uncontrollable desire to eat or consume energy drinks and fizzy beverages to keep myself "fresh." I did everything to cope with this at job and in life. When things only grew worse, I was first determined to make a difference to my own life, and this is what we've placed into every grain of Stay desi. All I had to do was eat right not eat more or eat less says Chandana.
Today's fast food is all about that rapid dopamine rush, which is a terrific way to de-stress, but we can't replace it with our normal meals. When the body does not receive its fair portion of nourishment, it begins to want unsaturated fats and carbohydrates, resulting in both mental and physical imbalances and lifestyle diseases. The notion of imbalance leads to balance can be found in everything of nature, including your body. Chandana also discusses how they have achieved the perfect balance between food and a fast-paced lifestyle and how they are now assisting a lot of other people who are caught up in the quagmire of eating good but not having time.
Where did you draw inspiration of dehydrating foods? We ask.
All I recall is how our family's elders regarded food. In contrast to today's practise of adding preservatives, everything was sun dried and then preserved. This was our aha moment, and there was no turning back. All we needed to do was experiment with the proper cuisine and perfect the alchemy. Today, the majority of our product range adheres to this approach with no nutritional loss. Our juices and smoothie powders have everything you need for a healthy morning, keeping you active and fit. Our dried pulav and biriyani mix are recipes passed down from our grandmothers, and our teas are a supernatural mixture that you should try to believe in. She signs off.
We were taken away by the brand's simplicity in attempting to tackle such a massive food crisis. We wish them the best of luck! Check out their menu; you'll come away appreciating what it's like to eat genuine, conscientious food.
Website = http://www.staydesi.co.in/
Instagram= http://www.instagram.com/stayydesii
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