

Learning Needs Early Childhood Solutions!!! By Rahul Singh Founder of “Learning Needs”

Learning Needs Early Childhood Solutions!!! By Rahul Singh Founder of “Learning Needs”

Among all aspects of setting up and running a very good preschool, the most crucial and understated aspect is that of a good curriculum that will focus on providing a great platform for the children. Any preschool that provides a great learning foundation for the child in early years is guaranteed to succeed.


One of the principal strength of the Learning Needs is its practical learning curriculum with advanced curriculum objectives. These objectives are achieved by just providing the child with scientifically designed materials in a structured learning environment. This is in turn enabled through a well-designed application that helps in teachers training, daily activity plans for teachers individualized for each child and an objective assessment. Also, Learning Needs has designed and published own curriculum which basically takes the child from concrete learning gained by playing with the materials to abstract learning through the books.


The entire curriculum including the objectives, learning materials, training, assessment and books are all tightly integrated with each other that ensures the child gets a fantastic foundation for learning that stays with them for life. Learning Needs believes that a child in the early years has immense capability to learn if they are given the right tools and environment. And due to this structured approach, Learning Needs learning objectives are the most advanced as compared to any early year’s curriculum.


Learning Needs learning methodology of comprehensive teaching learning system leverages the strength of traditional tools and smart class resources. The pure book-based teaching misses on the capability of Digital Resource while just the Smart Class misses out on the holistic learning.


Learning Needs with its integrated (Teaching learning Materials+ Teaching learning Process) approach makes it easy for the teachers and the students to teach and learn. For each subject, Learning Needs program will provide following materials in addition to digital interactive class room.


Full set of academic books

Worksheet booklets

Creative sheets

Art and craft materials

Assessment booklets

Assessment & Observation booklets


What is in for Schools? 

Yes, the schools get deliverables, Benefits, Training and Support Learning needs ensure the benchmark quality of instruction in every classroom, improved English language skills for kindergarten children, better perception as a technology-enabled school, better control over the teaching-learning process and also school benefits to attract more affluent parents resulting in more revenue increase in student admissions,


Using and integrating Learning Needs curriculum parents benefits in following ways: -


  1. Parents can be confident that their children get the finest early education

  2. Provision for systematic support at home ensures more learning outcomes

  3. Timely feedback from teachers regarding their children’s academic progress

  4. Standardized international quality learning materials for their children

  5. Better English language proficiency for their children

  6. Develop creative abilities of their children


Learning Needs kindergarten curriculum is an all-in-one programme which brings together the best of the conventional teaching methodologies and smart class resources. Explore the possibilities of implementing kindergarten curriculum in your school and leap forward to a bright future. 


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